Complementary Feeding
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This short eLearning course targets the students and other nurse midwife, community health nurse and other health care providers who work with the mother and  baby.  It reviews what complementary feeding is and the components, indications for complementary feeding.

Diarrhea Prevention and Treatment
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This eLearning module targets the nursing student.  This eLearning module covers content on  diarrhoea ( assessment and classification of diarrhoea in a child, how to counseling care givers and the proper management  diarrhoea care including  the administration of prescribed treatment and prevention  diarrhoea.

Hand Hygiene
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Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses
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This eLearning module targets nursing and midwifery students to complement the curriculum on principles of community nursing.  It uses the interactive method to discuss the  meaning and rationale for an integrated management approach to childhood illnesses (IMCI), the major steps in the IMNCI strategy and application of the knowledge and skills in gained with managment of pneumonia case study. 

Maternal Nutrition
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This short module targets student  community health nurses , nurses and midwives as a complement  to their curriculum in nutrition and dietetics.  It consists of an interactive discussion on the woman nutritional need  through the various reproductive ages, prevent and treat nutritional deficiencies ( anaemia in the reproductive age.   The is a pre and post quiz to assess learning.  

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