Divergent Thinking: Why Creating Psychological Safety is Essential
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A study from Harvard Business School researchers shows psychological safety is key if you want your people to think divergently. Learn why that's so critical and what you can do to make it happen.

Duration: 5 Minutes

Earning and Offering Trust at Work
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$Paid Course: "Who can I trust around here?" This is a more common workplace question than most of us might like to admit. Building relationships and trust within professional networks is done like a mason building a wall – one stone at a time. Trust is a core ingredient in positive relationships. Without it, the mason's wall takes on a whole new analogy – a barrier, with no gate for entry. In this course, you'll explore trust – what makes you and others trustworthy, how to demonstrate trustworthiness through your own professional accountability, and how to fix a trust deficit after trust has been broken.

Duration: 30 Minutes

Becoming an Effective Cross-functional Team Member
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$Paid Course: Use strategies to enhance your success as a cross-functional team member

Team Productivity: The Power of Brooks’ Law
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What do managers often do when projects start falling behind deadline? They ask for more resources. Adding a few more good people to the project seems a logical solution to the problem. In some cases, however, that’s not the best course of action. In fact, it could make things worse. In this Quick Take you’ll learn about “Brooks Law” and what it means to team productivity. You’ll find out what his landmark research revealed and how you can apply it in your organization.

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